Awards Accolades


In India, the insulation service providers market is mostly served by a few enterprises that primarily manufacture insulating material. The primary drivers of market growth are sustainability and energy conservation. However, the market lacks the most recent technology and infrastructure for pre-fabrication and to replace the rudimentary spray insulation technology. Furthermore, a pressing problem is that existing customers utilizing older equipment confront a fundamental issue of lengthier power station outages during overhaul.

Tapp India handholds customers across all project steps which include order management, engineering, manufacturing, logistics, assembly & field service plus maintenance & repair

Understanding this, Tapp India has been providing the latest and fastest state-of-the-art solution of mattress-type cladded insulation that is reusable and drastically reduces the downtime of the power station thereby enabling the power producers to earn more revenue. As a quality-conscious company, Tapp India procures its materials from the best-in-class raw material manufacturers across India and Europe; thus enabling the company to produce mattresses and claddings using cutting-edge manufacturing technology which is unique in India; thus making it the only manufacturer under ‘Make in India’ since all its peers are competitors and are overseas companies.
Tapp India believes in staying connected with its customers and keeps providing prompt services. The company handholds customers across all project steps which includes order management, engineering, manufacturing, logistics, assembly & field service plus maintenance & repair. Further, Tapp India has always been abreast of technology advancements and has been integrating the latest project management tools to ensure the utmost efficiency and quality standards.

“We are the only company in India to be the approved vendor for all supercritical sets (Supercritical steam parameters). The definition of 'Make in India' makes us unique and therefore preferred over others in all Government of India tenders”, shares Amit Agarwal, Owner, Tapp India. “Our team has executed more than 100 projects in India & abroad and has been approved by foreign and Indian OEMs like Siemens, Man Turbo, BHEL, NTPC, and more. The uncompromised quality of work ensures repeat orders”, he adds.

Tapp Group is offering holistic project management for all kinds of industrial insulation achieving customer satisfaction through serviceoriented processes. The company has a proven track record of leveraging technology and employing creative and flexible approaches to drive the needed innovation in the space. The company focuses on nurturing motivated, skilled, and responsible staff delivering sustainable results in terms of products and services. Tapp India has a robust infrastructure in place, with a production area of about 35,000 sq. ft. and administrative facilities of about 5,000 sq. ft.

Amit Aggarwal

Furthermore, with strict SOPs in place, Tapp India has incorporated all aspects with regard to quality, HSE, and assembly among other critical parameters. Diagnoses are carried out by TAPP India’s experienced engineers upon request on-site or based on drawings, data sheets, files, or photo documentation. Hence, making Tapp India an all-encompassing service provider in the insulation industry.

Speaking of the journey of the company Amit highlights, “We started as a joint venture with our technology provider Heinrich Tapp Germany in the year 2017. Initially, the orders were being executed through Heinrich Tapp Germany. In the year 2020, due to a high success rate, we merged with our collaborator - Heinrich Tapp Germany under the Indian flagship of Tapp India. Since then, we have been independently executing thermal insulation orders in India and abroad. Geographical expansion independently has been possible because of the existing Heinrich Tapp Germany Clients located all around the world.”

Going forward, the company would constantly address various power producers in both subcritical and supercritical areas and will continue to keep guiding customers to switch to mattress-type cladded insulation from the existing spray insulation practice, being adopted in subcritical sets.

Certificate of Participation